Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts has been one of my favorite online lit mags for a while. Editor Randall Brown has curated an impressive collection of short prose from a diverse group of authors. Among them are Kathy Fish, Christopher Allen, Sudha Balagopal, Pedro Ponce, and Nancy Stohlman.
What is compressed art? And why does it matter?
“Some creation needs significant compression. Some creation needs the big to become small, chaos to tighten, enormity to entertain the size of one mind. Very tiny work matters. We want to think about why. We want to think through compression.”
Quoted from The Journal of Compressed Creative Art‘s website
I’m proud that Randall Brown selected my creative nonfiction piece “Marzipan” for publication in The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts.
Not as thrilling as an arrabbiata, not as erotic as bitter chocolate, not as invigorating as a lemon sorbet on a summer afternoon, but known like your husband’s eyes and rich like gold is the taste of the marzipan fruits made by the dolceria of the Santa Caterina monastery in Palermo, Sicily, where…
From “Marzipan” by Claire Polders
Please visit the magazine’s website to finish reading my short CNF and to learn some surprising stuff about the origin of the piece. (Be curious and click on that little arrow below the main text.)
More stories and essays? You can find a selection available online on my short prose page.
More about the Santa Caterina monastery? My travel piece is here!