Wigleaf & Past Ten
Woman of the Year
A new flash fiction of mine came out in wigleaf on June 8th: Woman of the Year.
Thank you, Scott Garson and other editors and readers, for publishing my work!
The story is part of a quintet, of which two episodes were published in matchbook (Woman of the Week and Woman of the Century), one will soon appear in FracturedLit (Woman of the Hour), and one will perhaps remain exclusive to a collection I’m working on.
In January, a missing creeps into her life like the winter cold. She still enjoys her days, climbing mountains, sorting books, firing kick-ass emails to clients. And she isn’t lonely: friends speak to her from screens and across tables whenever she reaches out. But there’s a nameless absence that feels like a deprivation, as though she’s lost something along the way.
From: Woman of the Year
Please read the full story on wigleaf.
June 16th, 2012
A new commissioned essay of mine also appeared this month in Past Ten: June 16th, 2012.
It’s about how I came to write in English and how vulnerable it made me feel at first.
Thank you, Bailey Gaylin Moore, Kali White VanBaale, and Donald Quist, for coming up with this concept of taking stock of the past, and for publishing my work!