Het eerder zo smetteloze tafelblad is bezaaid met flessen en glazen. Vier echtparen drinken waar ze zin in hebben: witte wijn, rode wijn, champagne en wodka. Boven hun hoofden hangen tientallen heliumballonnen, in zwart en roze, en op hun borden…
When Eva smiles
What can you do for someone who is seriously ill? How can you comfort someone who is suffering? In this case the answer was music: one friend composed a song and many others seized the opportunity to contribute their skills…
Lager pitje
Komende tijd ben ik weer veel on the road. Ik zal proberen af en toe berichten te plaatsen. Het notitieblok reist in ieder geval mee. Ik wens mijn lezers vanaf deze plek alvast fijne dagen in december en een gezond…
Winter home dialogues (5)
HE We can put three people on the couch SHE The couch is lower than a dinner chair. HE So? SHE You are embarrassed to serve your guests wine for less than fifteen euros a bottle, but you don’t mind…
Winter home dialogues (4)
SHE You’re alive! HE It’s about as cold as it can get out there, but I have some very good news. SHE What? HE I bought something special for tonight. Something that’s gonna cure you of your depression. In case…
Winter home dialogues (3)
SHE How many slices of bread do you want? HE How many are you having? SHE That shouldn’t matter. HE But it does. I don’t want to be a pig. SHE You’re not a pig. You couldn’t be one if…