
Winter 2017 Publications

Writing a novel is a longterm project. At least, it is for me. I may write a 1,000 words a day, but I’ve never written a novel in three months. I write and read back and rewrite and pause and question and restructure. At the moment, I’m about three quarters of the way with a first draft of my new novel. And to give myself some air, some amusement, some exercise, I write short prose pieces that I send out into the world. This winter, these amazing journals captured some of these pieces on their pages.

TriQuarterly: The Men on the Fence

The Offing: “Papers

New World WritingFour Micro Fictions (“Specialties” + “Meteorological Rest” + “How to Kill a Rose” + “Sunflowers”)

Vestal Review: “Swan Lake” (Readers’ Favorite in the Valentine issue)

Mikrokosmos:“The Alps in Fall Time

Pithead Chapel: “Liabilities

Connotation Press: Three Stories (“Speaking of Ovid” + “The Anxious One” + “The Killer”) (will go live on March 15)

The fiction editor of Connotation Press, Jonathan Cardew, also did an interview with me for this issue.